Modern science provides several hypotheses of the origins of water on Earth. It is generally anticipated that during the process of Earth’s formation it was very hot and did not contain any water at all. Now, however, water constitutes to more that two thirds of the surface of our planet. It is evident that within that tremendously long time period certain processes contributed to formation of water. Is there a possibility that these processes are still ongoing?
According to hydrogeology, atmospheric precipitation is the main source of water, both for the surface water and all sorts of water found beneath our feet. If that was the case, there would be no feasible explanation for the phenomenon of pressurized underground water. And yet we are encountering pressurized underground water on numerous occasions and not only in deep wells, but also as high as 20 meters below the surface.
Another assumption of modern geology that needs to be questioned is the statement that the majority of the water underground is contained in all sorts of aquifers – underground lakes, rivers, veins and lenses. Again, if that statement was true, then drilling to the water bearing horizon within the area of the aquifer would always result in water findings, but that is not always the case. Quite frequently search for underground water turns into a lottery, when results of prospective drilling do not support all previous theoretical models and number of dry boreholes exceeds the number of productive ones.
There’s a theory that resonates very well with many years of our practical findings.
During the formation of the planets, about 4.5 billion years ago, the protoplanetary cloud, from which the planets subsequently were formed, contained not only a lot of silicon, oxygen, iron and nickel but also vast amount of hydrogen. Provided that hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Universe, this assumption appears to be justified. As an outcome of hydrogen’s presence, the core of the Earth is likely to consist not of iron and nickel, as modern planetology suggests, but of the hydrides of these metals.
If the heat in the core of our planet would only be produced as the result of the decay of the radioactive elements, it would hardly be sufficient for the volcanic activity and tectonic shifts. However, the iron-nickel hydride theory provides a much more feasible explanation to the enormous amount of energy produced by the core of the Earth. The chemical reaction of iron-nickel hydride decomposition into iron-nickel alloy and hydrogen is experimentally proven to be exothermic. Provided the scale of the processes in the core of our planet, the amount of energy released is colossal and sufficient to explain the phenomenon of volcanic activity and tectonic shifts. During the same reaction of decomposition, the hydrogen is released in huge volumes. Being the lightest element in the periodic table, it starts its slow journey from the core to the surface. At certain depths it is likely to meet oxidized rocks and a very well-known reaction occurs: 2H+O=H2O
As an outcome of constant reaction of decomposition, the pressure at the core is constantly rising. At certain levels it is sufficient to form tectonic cracks in the Earth’s crust, through which liquid and gaseous substances find its way to the surface. Part of these substances are forming into water. The vivid illustration of that is the generally anticipated fact that water vapor constitutes up to 95% of volcano eruption matter.
From the practical point of view, in-depth understanding of water formation and distribution processes allows to source nearly infinite amounts of water in any geographical location.
Simply drilling right into tectonic fracture corresponding to certain criteria allows to release massive amounts of clean pressurized drinking water with stable supply.
The geo-scanning method developed by us resembles the hammer seismic method. However, we record and interpret not only a standard echo signal, as classical seismic suggests, but employ resonant modes that allow us to obtain additional information. As the result, with the use of unique combination of hardware and software tools, we have devised a unique method allowing to precisely pinpoint water-bearing cracks (zones of tectonic disturbance) and determine their exact coordinates, depth and yield with the outstanding accuracy.
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A/S “SeismoPro” Brīvības iela 57-16, Rīga, LV1010
Tel.: + 371 6788 5587
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